These emphases are critical to Christ and therefore our church.

  • Bible Preaching/Teaching - Our authority is the Word of God

  • Worship - Biblically correct and relevant

  • Evangelism - Making this a reality, not just a talking point

  • Discipleship - Transformation of our lives to be like Christ

  • Caring Community - Building relationships and support for all

  • Daily Prayer - Communicating with God for ourselves and others

  • Sacrificial Service - Every Christian has a God-given ministry

  • Healthy Family Relationships - Honoring Christ in our roles, words and actions

  • Biblical Stewardship - Wise use of our resources including financially supporting His local church

  • Visionary Faith - Trusting God in stepping out to accomplish His purposes in our lives and church.

  • Unity - Recognizing diversity and uniqueness while honoring one another above ourselves


The Mission of First Baptist Church is to evangelize our world, make disciples, worship together, fellowship with one another, and care for each another as commanded by Christ and exemplified in the early church, Acts 1,2.